Programme 'Happy to be Us' (Social Skills)

'Happy to be Us'

Social Skills Programme

Some children need a little extra help to master the use of skills that will enable them to engage with the people around them - in lessons, at lunchtime, in the playground, at home and at the shops etc. The school SEAL & PSHE initiatives looks to cover all of the essential social skills that they need in life, but some children just don't seem to 'get it'. 


The 'Happy to be Us' programme is a 6 session programme which is aimed at school children (ages 6 - 11 years) who may be experiencing difficulty with communication (listening & interacting), have trouble making new friends, don't like sharing or turn-taking, not able to work effectively in a group.

Through the use of games, exercises, craft activities, stories, songs and relaxation the facilitator will look to help each child fill their own personal 'life's tool box' with lots of tips and techniques that they can use when they lack self-belief and confidence to deal with situations that require interaction with others, they want to make new friends or are faced with situations where they feel that they don't belong.

By mimicking our character 'How2', the children take home 'reminders' of all the benefits of good social skills.

The 'Happy to be Us' Programme goes a lot further as it encourages children to really think about a new way of viewing the value of using social skills - helping them to discover the 'WIIFM' factor ( What's In It For Me ) for themselves. and then be more motivated to master:- 

  • Friendship skills - how to create long term and meaningful friendships for mutual benefit.
  • Working in groups - exploring how groups work and each persons role in the group.
  • Fitting in - finding our value, use of role models and sharing.
  • Taking Part - realising our strengths and aptitudes.

The 'Happy to be Us' Programme is designed to be 'self-trained' in the school environment in and around the facilitator's normal duties.  Plus the facilitator can deliver the programme as many times as the school requires with as many groups of children as necessary, and there is no need for anyone to keep looking for the right resources to use because we supply them all.  You just need to add some craft material and a large slice of enthusiasm!


The off-the-shelf  'Happy to be Us' Facilitators Box includes everything you need to begin the programme with comprehensive training modules and lesson plans.   Each training module is 3 to 4 pages long and is a concise training guide to all the elements of the programme.  The average study time for each module is 25-30 minutes and can be read as the programme is rolled out to the children (taking each step in bite-sized pieces). 

Each of the six 'Happy to be Us' programme sessions has a full detailed lesson plan, and works towards a specific aim and a set of objectives.

As soon as you have ordered your Facilitator Box you can begin to feel proud of yourself, knowing that as a 'Happy to be Us' Facilitator you and 'How2' have the privilege of working together to build children's' social competency!

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